I, Patrick Sexton, personally commit to the following:
Personal Commitment
- I will use my voice as a leader in my organization and in the profession to advocate for greater diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the legal profession and in my community.
- I will make diversity in the legal profession a standing area of discussion with both law firms and peer general counsel to learn and share best practices.
- I will meet periodically with diverse members of my team to listen, hear and understand in order to reinforce my commitment and better inform my future actions.
- I will meet annually with the senior partners at the preferred law firms Cboe utilizes to convey our expectations regarding D&I on the work they complete for Cboe, and their progress YOY on diverse representation, retention and promotion.
Organizational Commitment
- Continue to support Cboe’s participation in the LCLD 1L program, which is designed to provide meaningful summer internships for diverse 1Ls, and other programs supported by LCLD such as the Pathfinder and Fellows Programs.
- Encourage our Employee Resource Groups (ARGs) and Cboe associates with different backgrounds than myself to foster inclusion. Our lawyers are members of or lead Cboe initiatives and ARGs which promote D&I.
- Ensure Cboe’s selection of outside counsel is rooted not only in expertise and value, but also the inclusion of diverse partners and/or associates on the work for Cboe.
- Require that all lawyers on the Cboe Legal Team have an annual goal that includes diversity engagement and education (e.g., the participation in external associations and organizations that discuss the importance of D&I). D&I performance and goals will part of the performance review of the leadership of Cboe’s Legal Team.
- Have diverse representation among the leadership of Cboe’s Legal Team.
- Require that D&I and diverse candidate slates be considered when hiring within Cboe’s Legal Team.
Partnering with Cboe’s Human Resources team, commit to (i) including diverse interview panels for every open role on the Cboe Legal Team, and (ii) considering diverse, final slate candidates for every open role on the Cboe Legal Team.
Participate in Cboe’s mentoring program for diverse associates.
Ensure that all lawyers on the Cboe Legal Team complete unconscious bias training.
Increase percentage of women and diverse new hires on the Cboe Legal Team.
Increase percentage of women and diverse law students invited to participate in our summer program.