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I, Gregory B. Jordan, personally commit to the following:

Personal Commitment

  • I will continue my personal commitment to foster a workplace committed to a culture where all employees feel included and welcome, and to leverage my influence to drive process and practice change within my organization.
  • I will partner with a law firm to host an LCLD Leadership Lunch.
  • I will meet quarterly with my organization’s Fellows, Pathfinders, and Alumni to discuss their experiences within the organization, and ask that each attendee come to the meeting with a recommendation for how the organization could improve.
  • I will continue to require that the PNC Legal Department D&I Council Chair be a dotted-line report to the General Counsel.

Organizational Commitment

Diversity, inclusion, and equity are core PNC Values. To further this commitment, the PNC Legal Department will pledge to do following:

  • As an active member of Move the Needle, continue participation in the Mansfield Rule, Legal Department Edition and achieve Mansfield certification by 2024.
  • The PNC Legal Department D&I Council will continue to develop programs that foster a culture of inclusivity, equity, and belonging, with a particular focus on racial equity and LGBTQ rights.
  • Continue to sponsor at least one LCLD Fellow and one LCLD Pathfinder annually.
  • Continue to foster the growth and development of diverse attorneys through the PNC Legal Summer Intern Program.
  • Continue to require preferred law firms to report diversity metrics and engage the use of technology to ensure that we appropriately consider diversity when selecting outside law firms.
  • Continue to develop measurable progress in diverse representation on our outside law firm teams through a secondee program for mid to senior associates. Under the program, secondees will train as in-house lawyers for six months, and at the end of the term pitch for PNC legal work to take back to their respective firms.
  • Actively support PNC’s $88 billion Community Benefits Plan designed to support local communities, including diverse and low income communities, and combat systemic racism through economic empowerment.